Have you ever had a problem that you just couldn’t solve? We all have. So, what do we usually do? We try and try to figure it out. We apply more pressure. We drink some coffee to get it done. We stare at the screen to get it out. We enforce more rules and restrictions. I’m definitely guilty of this. …
Does Becoming A Digital Nomad Help Fight Anxiety And Depression?
In case you’ve been living under a rock, there’s this whole new “work remotely from your laptop wherever you are” fad going on. It’s been mainly popularized by Tim Ferriss’ book, The Four Hour Work Week. Tim and many others argue that the standard type of job, 9-5, mortgages the best years of your life for hours in a cubicle, 2 …
Killing The Negativity In Your Life And Proven Ways To Be Happy
You want to be happy. You want to have a positive attitude and live your life enjoying what is in front of you. Unfortunately, you might be held down by circumstances in your life that you aren’t even aware of. Garbage In Your Life Is Holding You Down Why are you being held down? There’s a phrase in computer science which goes “Garbage …
I’m Tired of Being Afraid – How can I Break Free and Change my Beliefs?
When an elephant is young, if a trainer puts a chain around its leg and restrains it from moving far, the young elephant will initially try to escape. After trying for a while, the animal realises that escaping is futile and gives in to the restraint, enabling the trainer to control the elephant for the rest of its life. From …
Priorities – What are the Most Important Things in Your Life?
For the past while I’ve been getting pain in my wrists while drumming, a passion of mine for over thirteen years. Only my left wrist hurt after playing and this only started when I changed kits upon moving cities around a year and a half ago. It has been getting worse and worse. Recently, my wrists have been hurting continuously …
The Work-Reward Productivity Cycle Method
Fuck I don’t want to write that paper! God I just can’t bring myself to clean those dishes. Ahhh I don’t want to go to the gym! Sound familiar? Why is it that things we have to do, or things that are good for us are SO hard to get done? Why can’t our brain just let us …
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