Cover image: Walking along the seawall in Vancouver, Canada. Nearly a month ago, I dropped everything I had in Canada and became a digital nomad. I took a suitcase, a backpack, and flew to Vietnam. So I decided to write a 5000 word multi-post about my experience thus far. In this three-part post, I’ll discuss the lead up to the trip, …
The Concise Guide To Overthinking And Overcomplicating Things
Have you ever wanted to be stuck in your head and mired in anxiety? Have you ever seen someone worry and feel down and wonder if you can learn how to as well? What about being paralyzed by fear? Have you ever wanted to make life difficult and confusing whenever it doesn’t need to be? Well, do I have the …
How To Save Over $1,500 And Book Your First Location Independent Move In 13 Easy Steps
I just booked a one-way ticket to Vietnam a few weeks ago to make my first ever location independent move. I can work from anywhere. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! (in girly high pitched scream) I feel so nervous and excited it’s nuts! But you might ask: “Noam – what process can I go through to buy my own ticket, and how can I …
The Rule Of 1 To 2 – Focus To Stay Sane And Be Happy
“No horse gets anywhere until he is harnessed. No steam or gas ever drives anything until it is confined. No Niagara is ever turned into light and power until it is tunneled. No life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated, disciplined.” – Harry Emerson Fosdick A short and to the point discussion today. There are many amazing things …
Technology, Anxiety, and Depression – Why I Loved Going without a Cell Phone for Two Months and Other Technology Fast Experiments
I was minding my own business in the washroom of my hostel in Nice, France, listening to music from my phone and getting pumped up in the morning. I noticed that the sink was partially filled with water… no idea why my room mate left it like that. Maybe she had something soaking there? Either way, I turn around and …
Dealing With The Uncertainty Of Life And The Future
You know what I HATE? The fact that at times I don’t know where I’m going, how to do certain things, how best to organize my time, how I’m going to make my money, how to change my mindset, how to stay present, how to be a good person, how to say no, what job I’m supposed to be doing, …