
5 Dating Fears Men Must Conquer

Noam LightstoneDating And Relationships Leave a Comment

Men (or more specifically masculine energy), are expected to lead relationships. Women want men who are confident and go for what they want – in life and with them. The problem is that nobody’s perfect. Many of us have an inherent fear of dating, hence the entire creation of the men’s dating advice community. We all have fears built up from …


Why Getting A Girlfriend Or Boyfriend Can Change Your Life (With An Example)

Noam LightstoneDating And Relationships 5 Comments

In a Mark Manson AMA posted on Reddit a few years ago, two points stood out to me. Paraphrasing: “One healthy relationship teaches more than 1000 cold approaches [walking up to random women and introducing yourself in the hopes of getting to know/date her] or 100 lays [sex with a girl, usually noted for casual encounters].” “Getting into a relationship with …

A crying child on the playground after being bullied.

Bullying – How It Hurts Us And My Story

Noam LightstoneLife Lessons And Experiments 2 Comments

“Will I be OK today? Or will they hurt me?” I remember thinking that everyday when I woke up as a kid. I have put off writing this for a long time. I avoided it. It’s the most fucking painful part of my life thus far. Excuse the anger and sadness inside, but hey, they make for good release and …

Shame and Hurt in Dating – Meeting Eachother’s Needs as the Solution

Noam LightstoneDating And Relationships 2 Comments

Most of us are pretty stupid when it comes to dating. We’re so afraid of getting hurt that we put up fronts, defences, tests, and issues which amount to an incredible amount of energy invested only to result in us never getting what we truly want – someone who cares and loves us for who we are. Someone who wants …


The Avoider Mentality and the Fear of Intimacy

Noam LightstoneThe Avoider Mentality, Fear of Intimacy, and Avoidant Personality Disorder (AvPD) 175 Comments

The insecurity and unknown burrows into your brain like a parasite, constantly clawing at you and never relenting. You hate the feelings of the unknown that cause the tightness in your chest, that choke your throat. You try to speak to them but it never comes out right, it never comes out as the way that you think it should …

How to Effectively Deal with Criticism and Shame

Noam LightstoneDating And Relationships Leave a Comment

Criticism is a natural part of life which can help strengthen whatever you do. The word usually has a negative connotation, but not all criticism is bad. At work, a piece of writing is corrected by your supervisor to be stronger, clearer, and have more meaning. You learn from these criticisms on how to improve, and aim for the future …