Are you interested in Vipassana benefits? What you can gain from a retreat? See, Everyone from Oprah to Russell Brand is doing it, why aren’t you? I’m talking about meditation. In general, Buddhism comprises a way of living peacefully and in happiness while respecting others. But, a large part of this way of living includes practicing regular meditation, which in …
Fear of the Unknown, Your Mind, and “The Now”
Your mind hates not knowing. Your mind fears the unknown and loves the familiar. It loves knowing exactly what will happen, when, and will engage in self-sabotaging behaviors in ORDER to get what has happened before so it that much more familiar and re-inforce what it knows. It will make you assume what happened before in a similar situation will …
Asking What If – Missed Opportunities, Regrets, and The Probability of Your Life Occurring
What if? How many times have you asked yourself that question? What if I had said this… What if I had done this… What if I had tried this… Then for each, what if I had ___ it this way, or that way, and so on… We all wonder about different outcomes that may have happened …