For men and women who want to be accepted, enjoy their relationships, and relax so they can let people get close to connect with them…
The #1 Tool To FREE YOURSELF AND YOUR PARTNER From The Fears of Opening up, the Feelings of Needing to Run Away, & The Worries of Getting Rejected
…Even if you’ve always been afraid of saying what’s on your mind and feel like nobody understands you.

Dear Friend,
I’m here to tell you that I know. I know how it feels.
You don’t feel safe. You feel like you need to grip on tight to everything that you have inside. You feel like they’re going to laugh at you, judge you, and reject you. Are you scared that they’ll abandon you if you rock the boat or piss them off? But you want to talk to people and connect so badly…
Why are you so scared then? Why do you push them away?
How Avoidant Personality Disorder and the Avoider Mentality are Stopping You from Getting the Relationships, Intimacy, and Connection You Want and Deserve
It’s not your fault that this all keeps happening. See, it wasn’t until I discovered the REAL reasons as to why this all kept coming up that things really started to change for me.
Because of certain events or traumas you went through in your past, your mind is creating mental traps and wastes like fear and anxiety. You then learned habits and tools to deal with them that your mind believes will stop painful emotions like rejection, heartbreak, sadness, and anger that you experienced before from ever happening again.
Do any of these stories sound familiar?
You make the excuse that you don’t have time or that they look busy.
You internalize the feelings and put the blame back on you, assuming that it’s your own fault instead of confronting them.
You try to find some way to do it yourself so you can avoid them thinking that you’re needy.
Have You Ever Opened up to Someone about Your Fears and Anxieties and Been Told To “Just Go to Therapy” Or “Just Be Confident?”
Before this, I tried and failed many times to open myself up and connect with people… But I always got scared and worried that they’d reject me, or that they’d just end up leaving me.
I got frustrated looking for answers.
Sure, you can go to therapy like most books and people say, but a lot of times that’s just a B.S. throw away suggestion that’s meant to get you to go away. It feels like nobody cares. It’s almost as bad as someone telling you “Be confident” or “Don’t be scared.”
You wonder why you can’t be normal and do what OTHER PEOPLE DO ALL THE TIME!
How My Life Changed in An Instant
I used to be the biggest avoider. I was anxious, depressed, and couldn’t talk to anyone… I remember nearly going into a panic attack just thinking about asking someone for the time.
Forming deep connections and dating someone? Having a relationship? Give me a break, I wasn’t even CLOSE to having that (even though I desperately wanted it).
The truth is that I was scared of anyone seeing the “real me” and what I felt inside.
But I got over my avoider tendencies and ALL of my relationships have improved:
I have trusted friends who know EVERYTHING about me and can help me through any issue. I’m better connected with my parents, and I went from never going on a date in almost 8 years (because I made SO many excuses to not do it) to having several loving girlfriends. I don’t feel like I’m alone anymore.
After all my years of being an avoider, going through hurt and rejection, never dating anyone, and not even liking or loving myself…
I was able to get to the point where I accept who I am and love my flaws…and I found out that other people do as well. I realized that I’m OK as I am, it’s safe to open up to people, and I’ll be OK no matter what.

That’s me before and after. But getting to “after” took a long time and I had to go through a lot of pain and rejection to get there because I had no ideas, path, or guide to help me.
I Wrote a Blog Post That Became the #1 Resource about the Avoider Mentality on Google
When I ended a relationship that was very important to me, I wrote a blog post explaining the avoidant personality. It was called, “The Avoider Mentality And The Fear Of Intimacy.” In it, I described how avoiders desperately desire connection, but are mortified and scared of it at the same time.
And people started writing in. LOTS of them.
They asked how to get over it. What should they do. Is there a cure?
How You Can “Crack the Code” to Conquer your Fear of Intimacy, Feel Safe to Open Up, and More
I created a system in my #1 bestselling book Mastery of the Mind to learn NEW tools and habits to undo the mental wastes that are holding you down. And now, I’ve applied that system to the avoider mentality so you can overcome it once and for all.
These tools are based on cognitive behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy, and the results of MANY others who have used them successfully.
After you learn these new tools, you’ll see that relationships are worth pursuing, rewarding, and don’t have to be scary. You’ll feel safe. And if I can do it and others can do it, so can you.
Here’s how…
How to Overcome Avoidant Personality Disorder (AvPD) and the Avoider Mentality is a book filled with tools to tackle specific bad habits, mental traps, and mental wastes that avoiders face.
The focus is not on analyzing, talking or theory—it’s on getting you to take MASSIVE ACTION so you feel safe, grab ahold of life and start making connections. You’ll WANT to open yourself up to other people!
How to Overcome Avoidant Personality Disorder (AvPD) and the Avoider Mentality teaches you:
- Where your avoider tendencies came from and why avoiders do what they do.
- How to identify the bad habits and mental traps you’re doing without even knowing it that are keeping you isolated, alone, and from connecting with anyone.
- How to overcome the 7 common mental traps avoiders fall into, like fear, worrying, and negative thinking.
When you Read How to Overcome Avoidant Personality Disorder (AvPD) and the Avoider Mentality
You Will Learn:
How to be completely free of social anxiety, internalize that you’re amazing as you are, and know deep down that you deserve just as much love, intimacy, and affection as everyone else (hint: It’s all in your head).
How to identify how many avoider tendencies you have with a simple and quick quiz.
The REAL reason why you’re so scared of your own emotions, connecting with others, being abandoned…and what you can do about it.
How to bring out your authentic personality, share yourself with anyone, and destroy any feelings of shame.
Why you want intimacy and connection so bad, but are deathly afraid of getting them at the same time.
3 essential tools to fast-track your progress in overcoming the avoider mentality.
The 7 mental traps you fall into as an avoider — how to identify them and how to get out of them FAST.
The one method to get over ANY fear you have, and why ‘Just do it’ is useless (you could pay THOUSANDS in therapy and not even learn this).
How to get out of those useless thought patterns and shame spirals—the reason you get into them and the one simple way to step out of them.
How to let go of past traumas and events that still torment you and hold you back.
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When you pick up a copy of How to Overcome Avoidant Personality Disorder (AvPD) and the Avoider Mentality, you do so risk free. I offer a 100% money-back guarantee on all purchases for up to 30 days.
Check out the tools and habits for your specific issues, read through, and get started.
If at anytime within the 30 days you decide that the book isn’t for you—simply submit a request and I’ll refund your money.
No questions asked.
Praise for How to Overcome Avoidant Personality Disorder (AvPD) and the Avoider Mentality:
“A year ago I was a depressed, needy, emotional wreck. I blamed myself for any problem that others had and worried myself sick about how I could help them. I had a lot of shame and guilt because of my past. I had failed in two marriages and I was told that I was responsible for most of my son’s problems because of his childhood, which kept me from having the relationship that I wanted as a grandmother to my four beautiful grandchildren.
I was told that I was an avoider which lead me to research what an avoider was. I went on to study this book and listen to talks by Noam and a lot of things became clear to me.
Today I am as happy as I have ever been in my life. There are still situations that are not the way I would like them to be, but I have accepted that they are out of my control. I have apologized for the hurts that I caused and I have forgiven myself. Others will have to decide if they chose to forgive me. I am very fortunate to be able to have a fantastic life now that I have freed my mind.
I have peace and love in my life. I thank Noam for being a big part of that. His book was a turning point for me.”
– Sue T., Niceville
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Dating, Relationships, and Connecting with People Are about to Become the Most Powerful, Rewarding, and Beautiful Moments of Your Life
Right now you might feel alone and isolated. You might not like yourself and think other people don’t either. You want to be accepted and love unconditionally for who you are, for someone to care for you and understand you.
You deserve people who can give you these things but as long as your mind keeps throwing up barriers, you’ll never be able to get them.
But it doesn’t have to take years to learn how to overcome the avoider mentality. You can start improving within DAYS.
You can enjoy intimacy, love, and acceptance, and you’ll NEVER BE SCARED OF BEING ABANDONED AGAIN.
Your social anxiety and shame will vanish because you’ll feel proud of who you are and WANT to share yourself with other people.
You’ll finally be with someone, look into their eyes, and know deep down that “This person accepts me for who I am.”
And when that happens, so much healing will take place that you won’t be able to help but smile.
Click the Add to Cart button below to experience a personal breakthrough as you conquer your fear of intimacy, learn how to authentically connect with anyone, and discover what it’s like to never feel like you’re alone again.
I’ll talk to you soon,
– Noam